Phase 2:
4th Avenue Signals and Lighting Upgrade,
E Street to A Street
(Project No. 19-14)
The purpose of this Phase 2 project was to upgrade street and pedestrian lighting and traffic signals, by replacing deteriorating and substandard lighting and signal poles, foundations, junction boxes, conduit, wiring, load centers and signal controller cabinets. The new energy efficient LED street lighting and signal equipment improved lighting levels and quality, reduced future maintenance and operations, improved operational reliability, conformed to current standards and codes, and improved safety. In addition, this work improved pedestrian accessibility by replacing sidewalk and curb ramps to meet current Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) guidelines and improved the public streetscape to create a vibrant, walkable, and winter-friendly environment.
- Removed and replaced the traffic signal systems at E, D, and C Streets
- Removed and replaced the traffic signal interconnect system from E Street to A Street
- Removed and replaced electrical load centers
- Removed and replaced deteriorated street and pedestrian lighting
- Removed and replaced sidewalk and curb ramps to meet current ADA criteria
- Removed and replaced the asphalt pavement
- Repaired or replaced culverts and other drainage improvements
- Replaced damaged roadway
- Upgraded the tree wells to promote healthy tree growth and survivability
- Widened the sidewalk between C Street and A Street to meet Title 21 requirements
- Provided curb ramps at B Street to improve north/south pedestrian mobility
Construction Photos (as of 8/31/21)
Click above to view the entire photo gallery.
Construction Phasing and Schedule
Streetscape Concepts
Below are the streetscape concepts plans that illustrates what was considered for 4th Avenue, E Street to A Street.
Streetscape Renderings

Project Presentations
During the design phase, the project team met with the Anchorage Downtown Partnership, downtown businesses, and the Downtown Community Council. Click here to see the meeting presentation materials.